Using 32 bit plugins with browsers on x64 openSUSE Linux systems

How can I use the latest Adobe flash-player™ plugins with Firefox™ and Opera™ on my x64 Linux System?

  1. Uninstall (delete) Adobe flash flayer version 9.x with Yast.
  2. Uninstall (delete) the x64 (64 bit) Version of Firefox with Yast.
  3. Install the latest i586 version of Firefox with Yast.
  4. Install the latest Adobe flash player version (currently from the Adobe flash player download site (maybe, you need to download the .rpm file to a local folder and add this folder to your installation repositories).
  5. Opera should work fine from now on. If not, try to run /usr/lib/flash-plugin/setup
  6. In order to make the newest flash player plugin available to Firefox, link (not copy!) the file /usr/lib/flash-plugin/ to your local .mozilla/plugins directory.

How can I use the latest Java™ plugin with Firefox?

  1. Uninstall (delete) the x64 (64 bit) Version of Firefox with Yast.
  2. Install the latest i586 version of Firefox with Yast.
  3. Install the latest i586 Java™ Version
  4. In order to make the Java™ plugin available to Firefox, link (not copy!) the file from your Java installation folder (for example, on my system is located at jre1.6.0_05/plugin/i386/ns7/) to your local .mozilla/plugin folder.