Using 32 bit plugins with browsers on x64 openSUSE Linux systems
How can I use the latest Adobe flash-player™ plugins with Firefox™ and Opera™ on my x64 Linux System?
- Uninstall (delete) Adobe flash flayer version 9.x with Yast.
- Uninstall (delete) the x64 (64 bit) Version of Firefox with Yast.
- Install the latest i586 version of Firefox with Yast.
- Install the latest Adobe flash player version (currently from the Adobe flash player download site (maybe, you need to download the .rpm file to a local folder and add this folder to your installation repositories).
- Opera should work fine from now on. If not, try to run /usr/lib/flash-plugin/setup
- In order to make the newest flash player plugin available to Firefox, link (not copy!) the file /usr/lib/flash-plugin/ to your local .mozilla/plugins directory.
How can I use the latest Java™ plugin with Firefox?
- Uninstall (delete) the x64 (64 bit) Version of Firefox with Yast.
- Install the latest i586 version of Firefox with Yast.
- Install the latest i586 Java™ Version
- In order to make the Java™ plugin available to Firefox, link (not copy!) the file from your Java installation folder (for example, on my system is located at jre1.6.0_05/plugin/i386/ns7/) to your local .mozilla/plugin folder.